The total mileage of highways is growing dramatically worldwide, and the highway industry in many countries has transitioned from the early construction to the maintenance stage. How to achieve reasonable and efficient recycling of the huge amount of waste asphalt mixtures generated by road maintenance and repair has become a key consideration for related industries. Besides, with the traditional strong foundation and thin surface pavement structure, the shrinkage cracks of the base and the resulting reflective cracks in asphalt pavement are common issues. In most cases, cracks cannot be effectively processed in a timely manner due to the high traffic pressure and large traffic volume. When the pavement performance drops to a certain level, it is necessary to overhaul or even rebuild the road surface, which undoubtedly increases costs.
The common asphalt pavement diseases and waste asphalt mixtures in the photos above have given rise to the continuous cold recycling equipment technology, which enables 100% recycling of waste asphalt mixtures. This technology can effectively improve the strength of the pavement after paving, and prevent pavement damage such as cracks.